Dance ~ Music ~ Emotions ~ Experience

A journey to yourself and the expression of your own uniqueness.  ~  Connecting with others with kindness and empathy.  ~  Returning to harmony and peace.

The dance of life

``Bio`` means life and ``danza`` means dance, translated as ``Dance of Life``. It is a dance system that combines music, movement and emotions. It is based on experiencing and expressing oneself in the present moment.

More about Biodanza


In Biodanza we strengthen our own identity - connecting with ourselves to discover our uniqueness and bring it to light. It's a journey to rediscover the joy of life and trust in ourselves and the world around us.

More about Biodanza

The origins of Biodanza

The origins of Biodanza lie in the 1960s in South America. It was created by the Chilean anthropologist, psychologist and artist Rolando Toro. He described it as ``A process of integration of body and spirit through music, movement and the immediate expression of emotions.``

More about Biodanza


The classes are called Vivencias and have a similar structure. They are always unique and never repeated. Each Vivencia consists of a series of carefully sequenced dances – individual, paired and group. The first half of the class is more active, followed by quieter dances where we learn to slow down and feel more.


Each lesson focuses on developing a particular aspect of human potential. Biodanza develops it comprehensively along 5 lines – vitality, creativity, affectivity, sexuality and transcendence.


Get your life moving

``Thanks to Biodanza, I have become more conscious of my body. Through dancing and
expressing emotions through movement, my life has also started to move. It became richer, took on different qualities and gained a deeper dimension. Biodanza became an important part of my life - I am very grateful that I ``found`` it and that I can now pass it on. It brings me real joy and fulfilment.``

Markéta Hrabalová

Biodanza Facilitator & Director of Biodanza School Czech Republic


Biodanza classes, workshops and special events.
You need to book your place in advance.



/ per class

  • Weekly classes in Prague
    Monday 17:45 – 19:45
    Studio Itaka, Korunní street 35, Prague 2
    Non Czech speaking participants are welcome.


One-day & Weekend workshops in Prague and other places in the Czech Republic

Special events

Festivals and other Biodanza encounters in the Czech Republic and abroad

About Biodanza

Biodanza is a dance-experiential method based on connection and contact with oneself, with others and with what surpasses us. It works with the intention and can be very deep and healing for the body and soul. It takes place in a group setting that offers a safe space and mutual support for growth. It strengthens relationships with others – Rolando Toro called it “The Poetry of Human Encounter”.

The beneficial effects of Biodanza on physical and mental health are based on science.

From Chile, this system of personal development has spread around the world and today Biodanza is danced in more than fifty countries.

To awaken the joy of life, to share and grow together.
Biodanza awakens liveliness and naturally develops human potential. It deepens love for oneself and others. Come and experience if Biodanza is “the one” for you. All who want to develop through dance, movement and body work are welcome.

About Biodanza and awakening the joy of life

What participants have said about Biodanza

``Thanks to Biodanza I am becoming more and more aware of who I am, what I need, I am slowly returning to my essence. It is only now, and I already have grandchildren, that I am beginning to live.``, Iva

``In Biodanza I am returning to my humanity, spontaneity and my strength. It is one of the
most effective methods I have discovered.``, Aleš

``Biodanza creates a safe environment where one can accept oneself as one is. It is a
wonderful tool for self-discovery.``, Jitka

``Biodanza has completely changed my life.``, Marie

``Biodanza has brought me new friends and many wonderful experiences. I feel much better in my body, I am generally happier.``, Ondřej

Do you want to give Biodanza as a GIFT? Email me and I will prepare a GIFT CARD for 3 evening classes or a seminar.

About Me

I have been involved in self-discovery and personal development for many years. I came across Biodanza in 2009 in Germany and have been dancing it ever since. I received my Biodanza training in Berlin with Argentinian teacher Guiomar Morales in 2013.

Since 2014 I have been giving regular Biodanza classes in Prague. I lead seminars in the Czech Republic and abroad.

In 2019, together with a colleague, I opened the 1 st Biodanza training for future facilitators in the Czech Republic –

Biodanza advanced trainings I have completed:

  • Tree of Desires– Marcelo Mur (2014)
  • Instincts, Animals and Elements – Antonio Sarpe (2014)
  • Archetypes & Gods – Antonio Sarpe (2015)
  • Didactic training for Biodanza facilitators (2018–2019)
  • Voice, Music and Percussion – Sérgio Cruz (2019)
  • Identity and Selfesteem – Héléne Lévy Bensef (2019)

Education in other areas

  • Training for Awakened Womanhood – Komala Amorim (2018)
  • NLP Practitioner & Master – Bhagat J. Zeilhofer (2021–23)

Thanks to Biodanza, I have become more conscious of my body. Through dancing and expressing emotions through movement, my life has also started to move. It became richer, took on different qualities and gained a deeper dimension. Biodanza became an important part of my life – I am very grateful that I “found” it and that I can now pass it on. It brings me real joy and fulfilment.


Markéta Hrabalová

Biodanza Facilitator & Director of Biodanza School Czech Republic


Markéta Hrabalová
Biodanza Facilitator & Director of Biodanza School Czech Republic
Email: |Phone: +420/734 123 704
Facebook: Biodanza Praha | Instagram: biodanza.praha.marketa
Bank Details: Account No. 2001188171/2010.
Euro account: Marketa Hrabalova, Prague, Czech Republic,
IBAN: CZ4620100000002501949555, BIC/SWIFT: FIOCZPPXXX

DANCING STUDIO: Itaka, Korunní steet 35, 120 00 Praha 2 |

Would you like to dance Biodanza where you live?
Let me know. I’d be happy to offer
a workshop there.