One Day Workshop on the theme: GENUINENESS
Datum a čas: 22.08.2020 10:00 - 18:00
This seminar is an invitation to deepen a relationship with our self. In dance, we will naturally discover Who we are. We will find our true gifts we bring to the world and others. In movement and through the other, we will develop our unique potentials to live a fulfilling life, to be authentic and true to ourselves at every moment. We will strengthen our self-awareness and respect for ourselves. Rolando Toro, the founder of Biodanza, said that self-confidence is an approach that enhances the courage to live, be a good friend to yourself, love yourself and make decisions based on the desire to live.
You are cordially invited, to embark on a journey to YOU.
The seminar will take place on Saturday August 22th, 2020 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at Maitrea.
The price of the seminar is 1,100 CZK.
For reservation of a place it is necessary to pay together with the registration a deposit of 500 CZK – account number 2001188171/2010. If you cancel your reservation min. 10 days before the workshop, the deposit will be refunded to you.
The workshop will be bilingual (Czech and English) if non-Czech speaking dancers join.
No previous experience with Biodanza is needed.
Location: Maitrea, Týnská ulička 6, Praha 1.
Get in touch with me in case of questions:
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