One-day Seminar Gods and Goddesses
Datum a čas: 17.06.2018 10:00 - 18:00
Archetypes of Gods and Goddesses are the forces that influence our culture and society. Without realizing it, their affect people and ourselves. When we connect with these archetypes, recognize them and experience their qualities, transformation can come. We can influence our behavior and use their power at moments when it is needed. Archetypes of Gods and Goddesses are the mythical forces and energies that bind us with an ancient essence.
During this one-day seminar we will mainly dance the archetypes of Gods and the Goddess of Greek mythology. It is an invitation to establish contact with these mythical forces and their power of transformation.
This seminar is a free continuation of the seven-evening cycle of Vivencias, however, participation on this cycle is not a condition for this worksop.
Everyone is warmly invited who wants to dance, experience and develop him/her self.
We will dance on Sunday 17th 6th 2018 at the Karlovka Studio from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Address: Karlova street 25, Prague 1, 2nd floor.
The price of the seminar is CZK 1,100. Your place will be reserved upon registration and payment of the deposit of 500 CZK to the account no. 2001188171/2010
This seminar will be in Czech and English.
You are cordially invited!
Místo konání
Studio Karlovka
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