One Day Workshop in Prague with the theme: MOVEMENT
Datum a čas: 25.08.2019 10:00 - 17:00
Where there is life, there is movement. Movement is the premise for life. It is a universal language, in which life speaks and expresses itself. Movement is the same for everyone around the world.
During the workshop we will rediscover the motion, which is natural for us.. We will support this motion, which is in unison with us and our being. Only thanks to such a movement a change in our life can occur, which can help you growth.
„Nothing happens until something moves,“ Albert Einstein.
Let’s invite together movement into our lives. Let’s waken flexibility and fluidity, so that the life is filled with liveliness!
The workshop will be lead by Markéta Hrabalová ( and Aneta Končulová (
At the same time this workshop is a try out of Biodanza School Czech Republic and will include theoretical part dedicated to movement as well as physical dancing and movement.
The workshop will happen Sunday August 25th 2019 from 10 am till 5 pm. There will be a lunch break.
Address: Dance school of Iva Langerová, Štorchova 5, Praha 8 The dance studio is close to tram station „Libensky most“ (tram 1, 3, 6, 14, 25) or 10 minutes walking distance from metro station „Palmovka“.
The price of the workshop is 700 CZK / for students of Biodanza school 400 CZK. Registration via mail:
It is necessary to pay the whole amount in advance, account number 290 155 1837 / 2010 (in the notes please write name, date of the workshop and city, e.g. Jana Nováková, 25.8., Praha). Your place will be booked after the payment.
For further information about Biodanza school visit: (this page is only in Czech).
Místo konání
Taneční škola Ivy Langerové