One Day Workshop RICHNESS OF FEELINGS, Jan Obrtel (DE) & Markéta Hrabalová (CZ)
Datum a čas: 10.02.2018 10:00 - 18:00
We experience the most diverse feelings during a week and during our whole life. Sometimes we do not even notice them, sometimes we notice them but do not pay attention to them. Sometimes we become conscious of them and seek for the message they have for us.
However, we often judge whether the feelings are good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant. Who is the one who decides whether they are good or bad? What story is hidden behind the feeling we are experiencing? It is often this story connected to these feelings that influences our decision.
During this workshop RICHNESS OF FEELINGS, we will touch various feelings and look at them differently – with a new perspective. Without history or story behind them. At the present moment, we will experience our feelings and allow them to express.
And so we may be able to see and feel the sacredness of sadness. Perceive and experience the glowing heat of anger or immerse yourself in a quiet and peaceful joy. Feel a wide open space of love that accepts all as it is. Which allows you to experience and feel feelings in a new light – with inner richness and depth.
You are cordially invited to feel and express your feelings in a dance and movement during this workshop! The seminar is for everybody who want to dance and experience themselves.
Jan Obrtel and Markéta Hrabalová, who will jointly facilitate the workshop, are looking forward to you!
Jan Obrtel
Jan has over ten years of experience with Biodanza. He is leading a regular Biodanza group in Berlin. Since 2009 he has been working as a dance therapist in a clinic for mentally ill people and homes for elderly people. He runs social trainings, theater projects and yoga for children (
Markéta Hrabalová
Marketa has been engaged in personal experiencing herself for many years. She has 8 years of experience with Biodanza and she has completed the Biodanza training in Berlin in 2013. She has been leading Biodanza in Prague since 2014 (
The seminar will be held in Czech and translated into English or German if needed.
Capacity of the workshop is 20 participants.
Workshop price: 1.250 CZK if you register and pay a deposit of 500 CZK till February 1st 2018. The price after February 1st is 1.350 CZK. Account no. 2001188171/2010.
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